Tuesday 12 May 2015

what is marquee?


Marquee is  scrolling area of text. Starting with Version 2, Microsoft Internet Explorer supports a special <MARQUEE> tag for creating these areas. Netscape Navigator, however, does not support this tag. You can also create marquees with Java applets and Dynamic HTML.

Why marquee?

Marquee powers the platform and tools you need to design and develop the perfect content solution for your brand.

Benefits of marquees:

  • They allow you to fit a long stream of text into a small space with no need for scrolling
  • They immediately draw attention to themselves
  • They have an appealing ‘retro’ vibe
  • They can fill thin spaces that look empty
  • They are fun and quirky
  • They’re still supported by most browsers
  • And perhaps most of all: they are relatively rare meaning that they’ll be memorable and all the more likely to stand out

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